Photo-Art by Neil de Boer

Archive for August, 2017

Abandoned Sugar Shack

This weekend we walked the Elmira Lions Lake Trail around the Woolwich Reservoir. (also known a Floridale lake)

It’s a well maintained trail passing through both deciduous and coniferous forests as well as the town of Floridale.

This abandoned sugar shack was a pleasant surprise.

This effect is a combination of several different effects created in multiple software programs and blended in Photoshop.

Stone Arch Bridge, Blair Ontario

Blair Stone Arch Bridge

Blair Stone Arch Bridge on Bowman Creek

This is the old Stone Arch Bridge that crosses Bowman Creek just outside Blair Ontario. It is visible from Blair Rd. just before Fountain Street. I have read that it was probably built in the mid 1800’s for a rail line servicing the mills in the area.

It is a beautiful hidden gem and hopefully it will receive some sort of maintenance so that it doesn’t succumb to the forces of nature.

River Bank Heron

heron square

Went kayaking on the Grand River in Cambridge today and was rewarded with this beautiful Heron strolling along the river bank.

Yellow Sunset

A shot from this past weekend in Wiarton overlooking Colpoy’s Bay.