Photo-Art by Neil de Boer

Posts tagged “winter

Ice Dam

Ice Dam

So far this year we are experiencing typical Canadian yoyo weather patterns with bone chilling cold to mild spells.

With the recent shot of mild weather and rain we had the ice break up with large chunks deposited on the river banks.

Here we have a nice pile of ice at the dam in St. Jacobs.

Lake Louise Albert

Lake Louise

Lake Louise

Having only seen Lake Louise in pictures, I didn’t know what to expect as we pulled into the parking lot of Lake Louise Alberta. Most of the pictures I recalled seeing were taken in the summer of the aqua green lake at the foot of these majestic mountains. Seeing it in the winter on a beautiful sunny day was stunning. Walking out onto the ice provided a view of the mountains you could only get from a boat in the summer. This shoot is a panorama made up of 4 photos stitched together in Photoshop.

Wiarton Winter Sunrise

Wiarton Winter Sunrise

Wiarton Winter Sunrise

This is a follow up to my previous post – Sunrise Surprise. While I still had a few minutes to capture the sunrise I scooted down the shore and found this snow covered cedar with a young tree poking through. It provided an interesting foreground for this shot. Colpoy’s Bay was frozen over but not enough to go out on the ice. What a beautiful way to start the day.

Sunrise Surprise

Sunrise Surprise - Wiarton

Sunrise Surprise – Wiarton

I was in Wiarton Ontario this weekend (about 2 hr’s north of where I live) to take some winter photos. The weather prediction was for overcast skies but I got out early in hopes of at least some good light. To my surprise the clouds opened up at the horizon and allowed for few minutes of a beautiful surprise sunrise. I just got out of the car and was lucky to get this shot before it disappeared.

Later throughout the morning there were a few more times the sun poked through but the rest of the weekend was indeed overcast and actually rainy on Sunday. Despite the weather I think it was a successful weekend and I will share a few more shots in the coming days.

Colpoy’s Bay Sunset

Colpoy's Bay Sunset

Colpoy’s Bay Sunset

The ice started to break up in Colpoy’s Bay near Wiarton this weekend and the sunset was beautiful!

Southampton Winter Lighthouse

Winter Lighthouse

Winter Lighthouse

Taken a few weeks ago in Southampton Ontario. The weather is starting to warm up a little now so hopefully I will be able to bring you a nice sunset shot from this location this summer!

Snowy Cap

Snowy Cap

Snowy Cap

We sure have had our share of snowfall this year! This was taken near Wiarton Ontario. This rock has 2 – 3 feet of snow on it. The trails are very difficult to navigate without snowshoes or skis. I know because I had neither!

Watching and Waiting

I am posting two versions of the lighthouse in Southampton that I took this weekend. One realistic and the other more artistic. Do you have a preference?

Southampton Lighthouse

Southampton Lighthouse

Southampton Lighthouse Art

Southampton Lighthouse Art

Watching and Waiting
Not a Ship in Sight.
Ice and Snow,
Fog or Storm.
Ready for the Night

The lighthouse at Southampton Ontario is looking a little lonely these days. Lake Huron is pretty much fully covered by ice. But the lighthouse will sit patiently waiting for spring.

Apple Orchard Blues

Apple Orchard Blues

Apple Orchard Blues

Apple Orchard Blues

No Red
No Green
Just winter Blues

Winter Reflection

Winter Reflection

Winter Reflection

The year is coming to an end. Time to reflect on what has passed and plan for what is to come. Some say just one day at time. It is true that’s all we can do – but without reflecting on the past and looking to the future I think every day would be the same!

Winter Stream

Winter Stream

Winter Stream

I was out this morning taking pictures in the dull grey foggy weather. Why? I took a challenge from Shannon at SeeingSpots Photography to get out and take a winter, cold and snowy picture and submit it to be posted in a gallery of photos on her web site. Today was the deadline so out I went. It was great to get out since it has been a while since my last outing.

This is one of the shots I took today but not the one I submitted. I will link to it once Shannon has the gallery posted. Even though it was a pretty dull day – with a little creative additions I’m pleased with how it turned out.

Spring’s Coming

Spring's Coming

Spring’s Coming

There is still a fair amount of snow here but I am going to declare that spring is coming! This weekend the clocks go ahead 1 hour and the days are getting longer and the temperatures are slowly getting warmer. YEAH!

Snow Cotton

Snow Cotton

Snow Cotton

I thought the snow made these thistles look like cotton. This image is an experimentation of textures and various effects.

Winter Shadows

Winter Shadows

Winter Shadows

We had a significant amount of snow in the past 24 hours and this morning the sun was shinning creating beautiful long shadows on the newly fallen snow. It was great to get out in the fresh air but walking through the deep snow reminded me how out of shape my legs are.

Smoke Signals

Chimney with smoke

Smoke Signals

Along with winter and the colder temperatures comes the smell of smoke from wood stoves and fireplaces. While most houses in the city rely on natural gas for heating many rural homes will have a wood burning stove or fireplace for supplemental heating . The smell of burning wood in the winter reminds me that we will be enjoying  summer camp fires before you know it.

Winter Stream

Winter Stream

Winter Stream

Another shot taken last weekend near Millbank. The water contrasts nicely with fresh fallen snow.